Photo by Pete Pedroza on Unsplash
In-tellinc and The Tasmanian Business Advice Service presents

Micro-workshop: Social Media for People who Hate Social Media

When Mon, August 26 2024, 10:00 AM
With Rob Gowty
Where Online via Zoom

I hate social media.

It's something I hear a lot, and not without some justification. Yet social media gives you the opportunity to reach a wider audience and to tell your story in a different way.

This workshop presents 7 Simple Ideas for Small Businesses Who Hate Social Media:

  1. What's My Strategy?
  2. Where Should I Post?
  3. When Should I Post?
  4. What's The Point?
  5. What Should I Be Posting?
  6. Who Should I Be Connecting With?
  7. How Should I Behave?

This is the second instalment in our Micro Workshop Series. The workshop is for Tasmanian small businesses . To be eligible, you need an ABN and less than 20 employees. All participants will receive a copy of the resources after the session.

Photo by Pete Pedroza on Unsplash

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